



时间 2014724日下午2.30-5.30
地点 武科大青山校区机械学院会议室(教一楼4楼)
主讲人:澳大利亚迪肯大学工程学院科研副院长Bernard Rolfe博士
主题 迪肯大学工程学科科研领域以及与武科大科研合作的前景
鉴于此,2014724,迪肯大学工程学院科研副院长Bernard Rolfe博士将莅临我校,介绍迪肯大学工程学科研究领域有关情况,并与我校科研人员、教师探讨两校科研合作的前景。
A/Prof. Bernard Rolfe completed a combined Economics and Engineering degree with honours in 1995 from the Australian National University (ANU). He worked for several years as a Business Systems consultant with Andersen Consulting (Accenture), before completing a PhD at the ANU (2002) investigating Advanced Manufacturing techniques. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at Deakin University in Australia. He has been a part of twelve successful competitive large research grants, totalling over $9 million in awarded funds. He has published over 100 refereed articles. His current research focus is the forming of light weight structures, which includes the development of better material models for metal forming. Bernard led the Deakin’s successful project team for “Creating the Model-T for the 21st Century – a Global University Challenge”. Currently, he is the team leader for the AutoCRC’s lightweighting section, and Associate Head of School (Engineering) – Research at Deakin University.
School of Engineering, Deakin University
A vibrant, leading and distinctive engineering school in regional Australia (Mechatronics, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil disciplines)
Established in 1991 with the support of the regional industries, community, and the engineering profession
The School of Engineering is committed to the generation of fundamental knowledge, high quality research training and assisting industry advance technology to maintain a competitive edge. The School has three main research themes, Sustainable Infrastructure, Advanced Design and Manufacturing and Engineering Education.
Institute of Frontiers Materials, Deakin University
IFM makes use of the University's strong research capability in materials science to tackle complex problems in the areas of:
Our key research areas fall under two main themes:
Innovative manufacturing technologies
Energy efficiency, resource and infrastructure sustainability
Centre for Intelligent Systems Research, Deakin University
The Centre for Intelligent Systems Research (CISR) at Deakin University investigates and develops state-of-the-art algorithms and methodologies that provide practical solutions to real world problems that are encountered by systems operating with uncertainty, variability and change. This practical approach is complemented by research on next generation robotic control systems and force emulation methodologies that improve process reliability, product quality and operator safety in complex environments.

